Accession Number: Z190
Link to other sites:
Present in EVA Global
Present in MIRRI
Other denomination:
- SKU: 029V-05443
Form of supply: Lyo
Restrictions on use: no restrictions apply
Nagoya protocol restrictions and compliance conditions: No known restrictions under the Nagoya protocol
Risk group: 1
Quarantine in European Union: No
Storage conditions:
- Lyo
Propagation host: Solanaceae/Nicotiana/benthamiana
Organism type: virus
Virus name: Tobacco necrosis virus D
Virus abbreviation: TNV-D
- D
Reference isolate: No
GMO information: No
Gene sequences and accession numbers:
- OR576785
Isolation host:
- Cucurbitaceae/Cucurbita/pepo
Geographic origin: Albenga, Savona, Liguria, Italy
Geographic origin coordinates: 44.0492503 lat, 8.2131239 lon
Country: it
Isolate Literature:
- Characterization of an Isolate of Tobacco Necrosis Virus From Zucchini
Collected by:
- Coop L'Ortofrutticola (Bozzano)
Date of collection: 1992-04-10
Isolated by: IPSP
Date of inclusion in the catalogue: 1992-06-17
- Pathogen for Plants
Symptomatology: systemic symptoms
Transmission by:
- contact
- insect