Plant Virus Italy (PLAVIT)
the Italian collection of plant viruses
Located at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP-CNR) in Turin and Bari
More than 1,000 isolates of plant viruses from different countries and botanical species
For information, or to order or deposit virus isolates contact us at: plavit@ipsp.cnr.it
PLAVIT follows national and international guidelines for the collection and storage of isolates, maintaining for each of them a dataset of essential information for characterization and identification. Virus isolates are constantly upgraded and quality-checked. PLAVIT distributes materials to academic and private research centers and offers a virus isolate deposit service.
Responsible and Quality Manager: Gian Paolo ACCOTTO
Curator (Torino): Marina CIUFFO
Curator (Bari): Luisa RUBINO
Co-curator: Anna Maria VAIRA
Co-curator: Laura MIOZZI
Co-curator: Maria Isabella PRIGIGALLO
Co-curator: Marco FORGIA
PLAVIT is a partner of the SUS-MIRRI.IT (https://www.sus-mirri.it/it/ ), EVA-GLOBAL (https://www.european-virus-archive.com/) and BioMemory (https://biomemory.cnr.it/ ) projects and is a member of the European Culture Collection Organization (ECCO - https://www.eccosite.org/italy/) and the World Data Center for Microorganisms (WDCM - https://www.wdcm.org/)